Why Buy Eco Friendly Promotional Products?

Posted on Friday, 22nd March 2019

Everyone likes to feel good right?

 It has been shown that feelings outweigh logic in consumer decision making and so companies are seeking new ways to harness the “feel good factor” to inspire potential customers to purchase their products or services.

But what makes people feel good?

Millennials, as, consumers, organisations and employees, are attracted to, and are willing to spend more with, companies that practice sustainability and who have a focus on Corporate Social Responsibility.


The media coverage on environmental topics has made consumers increasingly aware of how their choices and purchases impact the environment, leading to, for example, the increasing popularity of the re-useable coffee cup and bags. These positive environmental and ethical choices reflect directly back onto the individual making them feel good about themselves and that they are positively contributing to their future and that of our planet.


Promotional gifts from Beeline’s eco-range not only provide the “feel good factor” to the recipient but also projects a positive view of the companies giving them.

Items used on a daily basis such as sports bottles, pens, calculators or lanyards can all be provided by Beeline made from eco alternatives to plastic such as Bamboo or Sugar Cane and because such items are used on a daily basis this is a fantastic way to ethically get your company name out there every single day!

Thanks for reading our latest blog, if you would like to view our full Eco Range of promotional gifts here https://beeline-promo.co.uk/page/eco-range for a winning solution for your company, your existing or potential customers and the environment!